
Alarm for Apple as Russian hacker publishes way to get in-app purchases for FREE – Daily Mail

A Russian hacker has discovered an easy way to get in-app purchases on the iPhone and iPad for free. The process is potentially damaging for Apple’s iOS developers whose main revenue comes from the paid upgrades. Users just have to … Continue reading

Even A Successful Hack Of The Apple Apps Store Doesn’t Make Any Money – Forbes

The hack also works on all devices running iOS 3.0 to 6.0. We confirmed the method works (at least temporarily), and the published instructions are starting to get attention, so we decided to publish this story as a warning to … Continue reading

Apple updates iPhoto, fixes lingering Mobile Me issue – MacNN

Users who downloaded their photos from Apple’s now-closed MobileMe Gallery may have run … modified the iPhoto library so that it could be shared with Aperture 3.3 or later and vice-versa. It also added improved AVCHD video support, preserved …

Sorting and storing digital memories is still no easy task – Austin American-Statesman

More advanced software, such as Adobe Lightroom and Apple’s Aperture, is meant to streamline organizing and editing for pros and semipros with large photo libraries. But even at $99-$200, that doesn’t mean they’re more intuitive and without quirks.

Hack allows free access to in-app iOS purchases [u] – Apple Insider

The process entails installing forged digital certificates onto an iOS device and connecting to a unique DNS server which the app believes to be Apple’s official App Store. Borodin explains that the server then sends spoofed code receipts, normally issued … Continue reading

Olympics 2012: BBC says Apple iOS and Android beat Windows for mobile – Computerworld

In the US, Flash also makes a last dash for relevance in mobile coverage. This means this season’s big sporting fixture will be a final test for Flash on mobile devices, as well as representing Microsoft’s new status as the … Continue reading

Inside OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion GM: Dictation & speech [Page 2] – Apple Insider

Unlike the virtual keyboard on iOS devices, your Mac has no ability to sprout an extra mic key just to initiate Dictation. However, you do have a little used key that Apple has assigned by default to serve as a … Continue reading

Inside OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion GM: Dictation & speech – Apple Insider

Apple’s cloud-based Dictation feature … Similar to Siri or Dictation on the new iPad, Dictation on Macs running OS X Mountain Lion pops up a simple mic icon when activated, which listens until you click or type the key to … Continue reading

Apple, Google face off in battle over voice computing – San Jose Mercury News

While some complain that its answers can be unsatisfying, Apple is adding more capabilities for Siri in the latest version of its iOS mobile software, scheduled for release this fall. Google’s new voice service is often quicker to respond …

Oracle keeps hope alive for JavaFX, Java on iOS – Infoworld

If planned technical sessions are any indication, Oracle will remain undaunted in intentions to champion both the low-profile JavaFX rich client platform and the notion of Java on Apple’s iOS devices, where Java has been stymied. These two …