
Apple Adds Reminders, Notes Apps to iCloud Beta Site for Developers – PC Advisor

Apple is expected to roll out iOS 6 to iPhones, iPads and the iPod Touch in the coming months, and the company is hard at work on new iCloud-enabled features for the latest version of its mobile platform. Apple recently … Continue reading

Apple May Launch OS X Mountain Lion on July 25 – PC World

Apple probably will repeat last year’s one-two punch of an earnings call followed by the debut of a new operating system the next day. Apple will launch OS X Mountain Lion July 25 if it repeats what it did last … Continue reading

iCloud Beta Adds New Web Apps: Apple Preps For iOS 6, Mountain Lion Release Dates – International Business Times

Until Mountain Lion came along, Mac users made do with an app called Stickies, which allowed them to create virtual multi-colored sticky notes and place them all over the computer screen. This app, while fulfilling a need for notetakers, was … Continue reading

Apple sued in China over alleged "Snow Leopard" trademark infringement – CBS News

Snow Leopard is the name of a recent Apple operating system – OS X 10.6. The software was launched in 2009 and has since been upgraded to OS X 10.7 – Lion, with version 10.8 Mountain Lion planned for the … Continue reading

OS X Mountain Lion likely launch date: July 25 – Computerworld

Computerworld – Apple will launch OS X Mountain Lion July 25 if it repeats what it did last year when it announced the then-new Lion a day after its quarterly earnings call with Wall Street analysts. Monday, Apple scheduled its … Continue reading

Apple Faces Yet Another Chinese Copyright Lawsuit – Mashable

The target of the lawsuit this time? Apple’s “Snow Leopard,” the name given to OS X version 10.6. Jiangsu Xuebao — a Chinese household chemicals manufacturer — registered a copyright for the Chinese translation of “Snow Leopard” in …

Apple iOS V Android: “Two Horse Race” STILL On – ChannelNews

That’s according to comScore MobiLens which shows Apple and Android, particularly with Samsung are the front runners in the smartphone race in the critical US market, in the Mar-May quarter. The race for smartphone supremacy between the two bitter rivals … Continue reading

iPhoto ’08, iPhoto ’09, Aperture: 사진 제품 주문에 해상도가 낮다는 경고가 표시될 경우 수행할 작업

이 문서에서는 iPhoto ’08, iPhoto ’09 또는 Aperture의 사진 제품 주문에 해상도가 낮다는 경고가 표시될 경우 수행할 작업에 대해 알아봅니다.

When Google And Apple Play Nice, Life Is Good – Forbes

But every time Google and Apple play nice, life seems to be better. Take my Chromebook as an example: It’s a MacBook Air. The reliability, lightness, nearly flawless Mac OS X is the perfect portal for the Chrome browser and … Continue reading

Apple: Firm Claims China Trademark To ‘Snow Leopard’ – Forbes

The story says Jiangsu Xuebao is seeking 500,000 RMB – about $80,645 – and an apology from Apple. The company also has reportedly sued four Chinese companies who advertise and sell Apple’s Snow Leopard OS.