
Apple planning biggest change to iTunes since 2003 – Chicago Tribune

The company will more closely integrate its iCloud file- storage service with iTunes so users can more seamlessly access and manage their music, videos and downloaded software apps across different Apple gadgets, the people said. Apple also …

Apple wins patent for inductive charging docking station – CNET Asia

Apple has won a patent for a technology that could help iOS device owners more easily charge their phones and tablets. Granted to Apple yesterday, Patent No. 8,207,906 is known simply as “Antenna insert” and would outfit a docking station … Continue reading

Apple Changes Its OS X Security Tune – E-Commerce Times

Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) has changed the wording on its website regarding the security of its OS X operating system. The company used to boast that OS X didn’t get the “thousands of viruses plaguing Windows-based computers.” Recently, however, that was … Continue reading

Apple Patent Wins: Samsung Tablet Blocked from U.S. and Apple Awarded 27 New Patents – PC World

According to the blog Patently Apple, granted patent 8,209,606, which is credited to Bas Ording and filed in 2008, relates to “detecting a movement of an object on the touch screen display.” This movement includes iOS’s scrolling in the direction … Continue reading

Apple changes App Store search without warning, costs developers sales – YAHOO!

Apple recently made some changes to the search algorithm used by its iOS App Store, and the move may end up having a serious impact on app sales for some developers. 30 South developer Derek Clark wrote a post on his personal … Continue reading

Apple possibly prepping premium podcast model for iOS 6 – Apple Insider

A seemingly innocuous “Redeem” button in the new iOS Podcast app could hint at a possible Apple initiative to monetize the popular digital media format which is currently free to listeners. The “redeem” button does not appear in the Podcast … Continue reading

Google’s 3D city imagery hits Android, headed to iOS ‘soon’ – CNET News

The feature is still not on Apple’s iOS platform, though Google says it’s still working on it and will have a version with 3D maps “soon.” As you might remember, Google demoed it for the first time on an iPad, … Continue reading

Apple adds RAW image support for Canon Rebel T4i and Sony A37 in software update – UberGizmo (blog)

This update will bring about RAW image compatibility to some of Apple’s photo editing software, such as Aperture and iPhoto ’11, for the Canon EOS Rebel T4i, the 650D, the Kiss X6i and Sony’s Alpha SLT-A37. It should be available … Continue reading

What you should know about the iTunes Store in Asia – CNET Asia

Unless you live in Japan, most of us in Asia would probably know of the Apple iTunes Store as a place to buy the latest apps for iOS devices, and nothing more. Well, the Cupertino-based company has finally rolled out … Continue reading

Apple Patent Wins: Samsung Tablet Blocked from US and Apple Awarded 27 New Patents – PC World

According to the blog Patently Apple, granted patent 8,209,606, which is credited to Bas Ording and filed in 2008, relates to “detecting a movement of an object on the touch screen display.” This movement includes iOS’s scrolling in the direction … Continue reading