
Apple’s Siri Is Their Attack on Google – Forbes

Apple could, if it so wished, include a meta search engine in its OS. This would still allow access to Google search results if that is what the user desired. But it would rather cut the revenue to Google itself … Continue reading

HTC eyes space between Apple’s ‘closed’ iOS, Google’s ‘open’ Android – YAHOO!

Taiwan-based smartphone vendor HTC saw its tremendous success come to a screeching halt last year, and the company is now struggling to recover in a market dominated by two major players: Apple and Samsung. HTC may have seen a window … Continue reading

Analysis: With Siri and new alliances, Apple takes on Google search –

It expects the total market to be worth $2.6 billion this year. Apple devices running the company’s iOS operating system are the biggest source of Google’s mobile revenue, generating roughly 40 percent of the total, according to Piper Jaffray analyst … Continue reading

Microsoft Melds Windows Phone 8 With Windows 8 – Businessweek

Windows Phone 8 will share a common core of code with Windows 8 on desktops and laptops, much like Apple has used OS X as the core of its iOS software. The new smartphone software makes it easier for developers … Continue reading

Smartphone OS Showdown: Apple, Google, Microsoft, RIM Gear Up for Battle – PC World

Yes, smartphone OS updates happen around this time almost every year, but this time it’s different. In 2012, it’s not only about software refreshes, but a potential final stand for two smartphone competitors struggling for relevance in an Android and … Continue reading

New Tickets: Fiona Apple heads to Hard Rock Live – Orlando Sentinel

After years of carrying around her significant baggage, it looks like Fiona Apple finally knows where to leave it: on the record. Her newest record, specifically. In a recent interview with Jimmy Fallon, Apple was suprisingly open about her …

Safari 5.0.3 및 Safari 4.1.3의 보안 내용 정보

이 문서에서는 Safari 5.0.3 및 Safari 4.1.3의 보안 내용에 대해 설명합니다.

WWDC 2012 videos now available for free for OS X, iOS developers – Ars Technica

Apple has been quick on the draw in posting videos of its … The presentations largely focused on developing for OS X Mountain Lion as well as iOS 6, so if you’re a developer who needs to catch up, you … Continue reading

Game of Phones: How the World Downloads iOS, Android Apps – Mashable

Although Apple’s mobile operating system iOS is still leading the app-downloading market, Google’s Android platform is keeping up pace with its rival, according to a new infographic. App Annie, a provider of app store analytics and …

Apple asks retail staff to test OS X Mountain Lion ahead of July launch – 9TO5Mac

As OS X Mountain Lion’s July launch approaches, Apple has extended their existing software testing base to include Apple Retail employees. In an e-mail to Apple Store Genius Bar members and Creatives, Apple has provided access to its OS X … Continue reading