
Apple says iCloud is down, fixing the issue “ASAP” –

Apple customers may not be able to access their iCloud services today as the company is experiencing outages, which have been confirmed on the iCloud support page. The current system status for iCloud, which can be found here, says, “Users … Continue reading

iCloud outage prevents some iMessages from being delivered – Apple Insider

Apple’s iCloud service experienced an outage on Wednesday that affected some services, including the delivery of iMessages. Users began contacting AppleInsider Wednesday afternoon to say that some of their iCloud accounts were having issues. Among the …

Windows Phone 8 to go head-to-head with Apple’s iOS 6 – Fortune Tech

Nokia prototype at the Windows 8 Developers Summit. Photo: The Verge FORTUNE — As predicted, Microsoft (MSFT) took the wraps off its next generation smartphone strategy Wednesday at the Windows Phone Developer Summit in San Francisco.

Want iOS 6? No Problem: Buy It Now From a Scofflaw Developer – Wired News

Every year, Apple keynotes hype the latest and greatest iOS software, receive unprecedented media coverage, and tout hundreds of new features on the Apple homepage. But then, like an evil Santa Claus, Apple asks its most passionate fans to wait … Continue reading

iCloud outage prevents some iMessages from being delivered [u] – Apple Insider

Apple’s iCloud service experienced an outage on Wednesday that affected some services, including the delivery of iMessages. Users began contacting AppleInsider Wednesday afternoon to say that some of their iCloud accounts were having issues. Among the …

Microsoft follows Surface with Windows Phone 8 unveiling – Los Angeles Times

That kind of integration follows in the footsteps of Apple, which has also increasingly tied its mobile OS to that of its Mac line. Perhaps Google may want to start figuring out what it can do, if anything, to compete … Continue reading

Apple suffers online service outage affecting iCloud, iMessage, and websites [updated] – YAHOO!

Apple’s currently having an issue with multiple online services including all of iCloud, iMessage, and even the company’s Developer portals. Maybe the server farm in Maiden, NC overheated? It also appears that Apple’s iTunes store is also facing issues.

Cloud Problems: Apple’s iCloud Users Experience Outages – CNBC

The iPad and iPhone maker’s website confirmed the outage on its “Support” section and stated: “Users may be unable to access iCloud services. Normal service will be restored ASAP.” For some users, mail may have been slow or unavailable and … Continue reading

Surface? Apple’s got nothing to worry about – ZDNet

Get a Surface! But even withholding Office for iOS can’t stop the iOS juggernaut, there are a ton of equivalent productivity apps on the App Store, including Apple’s own iWork suite, which read and write Office file formats. If anything … Continue reading

Apple Suffers iCloud Outage (Update 1) – Inside Fidelity

CUPERTINO, Calif. (TheStreet (Symbol : TST)) – Apple (Symbol : AAPL) confirmed an outage in its iCloud service on Wednesday that may have left some users unable to access services. A statement appeared on the support section of Apple’s (Symbol … Continue reading