
Apple’s new iOS Maps: the risk factors – CNN Money

( — Apple’s decision to develop its own maps app for its mobile devices is in many ways the prototypical Apple move. When a particular piece of software or a technology is critical to the performance or usability of an … Continue reading

Microsoft’s Surface Only Half the Battle –

Jeff Kagan, an industry analyst, said in email notes that Microsoft’s success will depend on whether it can follow Apple’s lead and tie all of its devices together with a Microsoft-branded cloud offering, similar to Apple’s iCloud.    As of … Continue reading

Apple’s FaceTime can eat up wireless data limits – Marketwatch

The carriers that offer the iPhone wouldn’t comment on their plans for offering FaceTime on their networks, but an AT&T spokesman said the company is “working closely with Apple on features disclosed for iOS 6, and we’ll share more information … Continue reading

4 Things I’ve learnt about – Itproportal

Sure, dishing out free storage will remain the company’s most effective way of acquiring new customers but, as Whitney stressed, times have changed with the arrival of iCloud, Skydrive and Google Drive. Box is a big data company. Honest I … Continue reading

Mozilla shows experimental "Junior" browser for iOS – Ars Technica

In a video presentation published over the weekend, Mozilla demonstrated a prototype of its experimental browser for Apple’s iOS platform. The prototype, called Junior, is still at an early stage of development. The restrictions that Apple …

Apple expected to certify Lextar iOS-based LED lighting controls – Apple Insider

The chairman of Lextar Electronics has said he expects Apple to certify its Bluetooth LED lighting products for use with iOS devices in the coming months. Lextar Chairman David Su said he believes approval will be granted in one to … Continue reading

Microsoft Surface tablet is ‘sincerest form of flattery’ for Apple – YAHOO!

Apple’s iPad sports smooth lines and the familiar iOS operating system while Microsoft’s new Surface tablet features sharp edges and the unique Metro UI atop Windows RT or Windows 8 Pro. Windows 8 and iOS are not exactly peas in … Continue reading

SOS Online Backup Releases SOS for Mac 2.0 – Yahoo Finance

“The data-detecting Smart Scanner quickly finds the important stuff on your computer and for those of us that use Mac as well as Windows and Android, SOS makes it easy to create your own personal cloud from all types of … Continue reading

Surface vs. iPad: The tale of the tape – Los Angeles Times

But let’s cut to the chase: Apple’s tablet runs on iOS, its mobile operating system. Currently the iPad is on iOS 5; come fall — around the Surface’s scheduled launch date — it will upgrade to iOS 6. Both versions … Continue reading

Head to Head Over Mobile Maps – New York Times

Apple has offered few details about its plans for the map service, which is part of the new operating system, iOS 6, that was unveiled at the company’s annual developer conference in San Francisco. Some of the features may come … Continue reading