
Apple changes OS X security messages – Computerworld Australia

In the wake of the Flashback botnet which targeted Mac computers, Apple has removed a statement from its messages on its website that Mac operating system X (OS X) isn’t susceptible to viruses. Apple removed the previous statement “It doesn’t … Continue reading

Right and wrong features due in iOS 6 – ZDNet

Summary: Following last week’s Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), a number of developers are shining a bit of light on which iOS new features look good and which may need more work. Following last week’s Apple Worldwide Developers …

Apple Launches iOS 6, MacBooks, OS X Upgrades – Twice

SAN FRANCISCO – Apple unveiled its iOS 6 operating system for its mobile devices, adding more than 200 updates and bringing Siri to the iPad for the first time at last week’s Worldwide Developers Conference. Among other notable introductions planned … Continue reading

IDC: Android, iOs To Lose Share To Windows – Twice

FRAMINGHAM, MASS. – The Android and Apple iOS operating systems will lose smartphone-shipment share worldwide in the next five years as Microsoft’s Windows Phone OS gains share, but Android will lose the most, IDC forecast. The Windows OS will grow … Continue reading

Nokia, Apple, Funbook: tale of a tech triangle –

And you probably have not heard of one. The ones that you have heard of probably are the launch of the latest mobile operating system by Apple, the iOS, which will power the world’s coolest smartphones and tablet PCs, and … Continue reading

iPhoto 및 Aperture: Canon 카메라의 sRAW 이미지 지원 정보

iPhoto와 Aperture에서 Canon 카메라의 sRAW 이미지 지원에 대해 알아봅니다.

Apple iOS 6 Gains True Music Streaming –

Taking a page from the Mac OS X iTunes playbook, the upcoming iOS 6 version of Apple’s mobile operating system will allow true streaming of content in a user’s iTunes Match library. “We confirmed the feature,” said Trevor Sheridan with … Continue reading

Safari 5.0.5의 보안 내용 정보

이 문서에서는 Safari 5.0.5의 보안 내용에 대해 설명합니다.

Apple launches its back-to-school summer promotion – Los Angeles Times

Apple’s annual back-to-school academic discount is back for … The gift cards can be used in the iOS App Store, iBookstore and iTunes store as well as the Mac App Store. Students in college or heading to college, parents buying … Continue reading

Flurry report on iOS vs. Android allegiance called into question – ZDNet

Last week Flurry Analytics released a report on iOS vs. Android titled “App Developers Signal Apple Allegiance Ahead of WWDC and Google I/O“. The report has been widely circulated around the internet, and generally accepted as factual with …