
Apple Starts Hanging WWDC Banners Around Moscone West – Softpedia

Finally, Apple is almost certain to preview the next major version of the iPhone & iPad underlying software – iOS 6. Mountain Lion is pretty much a given. The only thing we can’t be sure of is whether it will … Continue reading

Apple’s next iPhone may sport HD-capable front camera, says analyst – Apple Insider

As for the rear-facing camera, Kuo said Apple will likely retain the 8-megapixel camera while improving the aperture range to go up to f/2.2. The iPhone 4S has a maximum aperture of f/2.4. The analyst also predicted that the rear … Continue reading

Google Maps searching for directions ahead of WWDC – CNN Money

Instead, by introducing some nice but incremental improvements to Google Maps for Android and Google Earth days before Apple is expected to introduce its own iOS mapping software, Google accomplished little other than forcing the company to …

Why IDC Predicts Windows Phone Will Surpass iOS by 2016 – Wired News

Not only will Windows Phone outshine BlackBerry in the worldwide smartphone market, it will surpass Apple’s iOS and become the second-most popular smartphone platform by 2016, states a forecasting report released by IDC on Wednesday.

Apple Prepping FaceTime HD Camera for iPhone 5? – Gotta Be Mobile

He also stated that he expects Apple to keep an 8-megapixel rear camera but that Apple will improve the aperture range which supposedly will go up to f/2.2. As it stands, the iPhone 4S has a f/2.4 aperture range. Kuo … Continue reading

Apple To Make The iPhone Less Annoying – Forbes

In the iOS 6 update, it is rumored that Apple will add a kill-switch for notifications to allow you to get some peace. According to 9to5Mac, the new update to iOS will feature a single ‘Do Not Disturb’ switch to … Continue reading

Google’s Brian McClendon: ‘committed’ to bringing all of Maps’ features to iOS, other platforms – engadget

With discussion around Apple’s desire to introduce a mapping system of its own in iOS 6 to unseat Google from its preloaded app selection, Peter fielded lots of inquiries on the matter. He did an admirable job of dodging the … Continue reading

Apple expected to ditch Google Maps in iOS update – Digital Spy

Apple will finally hatch its long-running plan to get rid of Google Maps from the iPhone this year, triggering a monumental battle for local advertising, media reports have said. Following previous speculation about Apple’s mapping plans, The Wall Street …

Windows Phone to outshine Apple’s iOS by 2016, says report – CNET News

Microsoft has gotten off to a slow start in the mobile world but may wind up in second place in another four years. Windows Phone will capture a market share of 19.2 percent in 2016, up from just 5.2 percent … Continue reading

Samsung Puts $500,000 Behind Its Secret Weapon Against Apple – The Business Insider

Samsung is ramping up its plans to best Apple’s iOS. The South Korean company will soon announce that it joined the Linux Foundation at the highest level, Platinum. This gives Samsung a seat on the Linux Foundation’s board. Linux forms … Continue reading