
iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak: Absinthe 2.0.4, Rocky Racoon v1.0-3 Released; Brings Support for iPad 2,4 –

Now, except for the odd loner – Apple TV 3 – the new updates for both Absinthe and Racoon bring support for previously unlucky iPad 2,4 users. Thanks to the Chronic Dev Team, the newly released Absinthe 2.0.4 covers the … Continue reading

One weekend, one million jailbreakers – what should Apple do next? – naked security

Indeed, Apple won’t let anyone – not even well-known and trusted security companies – write software which runs outside iOS’s strictly-walled garden, and won’t officially allow anyone to offer iOS software for download or update outside its own marketplace.

It’s The Content, Stupid! Maybe The FCC, Not Tim Cook, Will Decide If Apple’s iTV Is Viable – Forbes

If the aperture opens on the definition it would make room for Apple, and others, to make deals directly with content suppliers without having to negotiate with the intransigent cable and satellite companies who have no interest in allowing …

Dell Challenges Apple With the New XPS One 27 All-in-one – PC World

Apple’s iMac comes with 21.5- and 27-inch screens … on whether touch versions of the PC would be available on the release of Microsoft’s Windows 8 OS. Microsoft’s touch-based Windows 8 is scheduled for release later this year and Dell … Continue reading

Apple Club spouts to honor iconic tech company – San Jose Mercury News

“He’s ridiculously knowledgeable.” Even at home, Matthew touts Apple’s excellence. “He showed me how iBooks Author works and he introduced me to OS X in preparation for a recent interview, which was a big help,” his mom, Anne Leeper said.

Samsung apes iTunes — can Apple respond? – Computerworld

And with RIM looking shaky, Nokia on the rocks and webOS now dead as a doorknob, surely it’s only a question of time before the firm apes Apple’s “whole widget” approach and purchases its own mobile OS. After all, in … Continue reading

Latest iPhone 5 Component Leaks Show Taller Screen, Metal Back, Smaller Dock Connector – Forbes

Is This How Apple Dreams Become Our Realities … They later released a shot of the matching face plate that does indeed show a screen aperture that matches the current width but is taller, seemingly to accomodate a 4″ display.

Why a Facebook phone doesn’t stand a chance – ZDNet

Summary: Perhaps Facebook is using the specter of developing its own handset as leverage against Apple to get its service integrated into iOS? A persistent rumor has resurfaced which suggests that Facebook is planning to build a smartphone.

Join us tonight for Tim Cook’s chat from D10 – CNET News

Apple’s own annual developers conference is kicking off in just a few weeks, and that’s where Apple has said it will show off “the future” of OS X and iOS. We’ll be liveblogging Cook’s appearance at D10 in this post. … Continue reading

Do we need a mobile-computing bill of rights? – CNET News

Calling for giving people the liberty to tinker with their mobile possessions, the EFF called Apple’s iOS devices, whose usage terms come with a wide array of restrictions, “beautiful crystal prisons” . Hell will freeze over before Apple dumps …