
Rumor: Microsoft to launch Office for Apple’s iOS in November – Apple Insider

Microsoft Office, the industry leading productivity suite, will be coming to Apple’s iPad, as well as Android-based tablets, this November, a new rumor claims. Citing a “reliable source,” Boy Genius Report said on Wednesday that Microsoft is planning to …

Apple reportedly testing iPhone with near-16:9 display ratio – Los Angeles Times

locked shells” to keep their designs secret from unauthorized employees — Apple is also testing versions of iOS 6 custom built for the new display size, according to the report. The new iOS for the next phone would add a … Continue reading

IBM blocks Siri and iCloud on staff iPhones due to ‘extraordinarily conservative’ security measures – 9TO5Mac

Calling her company “extraordinarily conservative,” IBM CIO Jeanette Horan recently told MIT Technology News that the company she works for blocks Siri and iCloud on its staff iPhones. The reason? Security measures, just to ensure spoken …

GPlayer fills the iOS void left by VLC – ZDNet

Did you miss out on VLC Player for iOS? The open source video player port was on the App Store for three months before being removed in January 2011 because Apple’s FairPlay wrapper violated VideoLAN’s licensing agreement. Fear not …

Cracks In The Myth of iOS Superiority – Forbes

There’s an opportunity for a major consumer electronics company to gain a lot of ground on Apple by making its hardware and brand fully competitive, and leveraging the already-quite-competitive Android OS. Samsung is the obvious candidate.

Kaspersky denied iOS app: Apple buries its head in the security sand – ZDNet

Summary: Apple was in a Catch-22 situation, but ultimately denied Kaspersky’s request for an iOS anti-virus app. The refusal crucially shows how much in denial Apple is over its devices’ security. Apple has denied Kaspersky’s bid to …

Apple wins 23 new patents, covers Aperture, GarageBand – PC Advisor

Patently Apple reports that the Aperture related patent covers the image editing tool’s preview feature, and the GarageBand patent relates to the graphical user interface for music lessons. In the patent documents, published by the US Patent and Trademark …

Several iOS developers welcome Apple’s larger-screen iPhone – Los Angeles Times

The sixth generation iPhone is expected to have a larger screen, and several iOS developers say they would receive that change with a warm welcome. Rumors began earler this month saying the next iPhone, expected to arrive in October, could … Continue reading

Apple Won’t Let Kaspersky Develop Tools For iOS – Forbes

This sounds like a slightly strange decision by Apple: they’ll not let Kaspersky develop anti-viral tools for iOS. Kaspersky himself thinks that this is one of the things that will enable Google‘s Android to leapfrog Apple. There are going …

Apple updates digital camera RAW for iPhoto ’11, Aperture 3 – MacNN

Apple late today has issued Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 3.13, adding support for six new and recent camera models now on the market. The new update adds support for models from Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic and Sony. Still missing … Continue reading