OS X Yosemite: Unterstützte RAW-Formate von Digitalkameras
Hier erfahren Sie, welche RAW-Formate von Digitalkameras unter OS X Yosemite unterstützt werden.
How to find your Apple ID
Use these steps if you forgot your Apple ID or aren’t sure that you have one.
Self-help resources for QuickTime 7 and QuickTime 7 Pro
There are several self-help resources available to provide assistance with QuickTime Player and the features of QuickTime Pro.
Mac 기본 사항: Mavericks에서 Safari 7로 웹 탐색하기
Safari는 OS X Mavericks에 포함된 웹 브라우저입니다. Safari를 사용하고 탐색 환경을 개인화하는 방법에 대해 알아봅니다.

Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
You may notice the following symptoms on your Windows PC after installing the iCloud Control Panel, iTunes 10.5 or later, or Safari 5.1 or later