
Amazon Expands Cloud-Based Live Streaming Functionality – CIO

IDG News Service (London Bureau) — Amazon has added the ability for CloudFront to stream live content to Apple iOS devices and Microsoft Silverlight clients, the company said in a blog post on Sunday. Amazon CloudFront is a Web service … Continue reading

No joke: ‘Infinity Blade’ selling for 99 cents – USA Today

Fortunately, this announcement is legit: Epic Games is dropping the price of its hit Apple iOS role-playing game Infinity Blade down to 99 cents. Just to be safe, we checked the game’s official iTunes page, which confirms the massive price … Continue reading

Apple devices pass Defence security check – CRN Australia

Government cleared to use iDevices. The Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) has authorised the use of Apple devices running the iOS 5 operating system to communicate and store classified information up to the ‘protected’ level in Federal Government.

Apple Developing ‘Killer’ 3D Camera for iOS Devices –

What’s coming next from Apple? The perennially secretive company doesn’t share much, but its patent applications can be an indicator of to expect in future products. The new cameras being developed in Apple’s labs will utilize new depth …

HEY! Here’s a Kickstarter for a yelling-controlled game – Joystiq

Radix wants to turn that prototype into a full, top-down, Zelda-plus-screaming game for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS, and has turned to Kickstarter to make that happen. There are 28 days left for Radix to raise the modest $10,000 in … Continue reading

Apple Launches New Resources for iOS Developers – Softpedia

Members of Apple’s Developer Program are being informed that the App Store Resource Center now includes additional goodies that they can use to better promote their software. According to a memo on the News and Announcements section for Apple developers … Continue reading

Seas0nPass Offers iOS 5 Jailbreak For Apple TV 2, Apple TV 3 Lucks Out – PC World

In the last couple of months, GeekTech’s been inundated with new jailbreaks for Apple gadgets, new and old. One Apple product that stayed in the dark though was the Apple TV, especially since the iOS 5.0 update. Fortunately, FireCore was … Continue reading

Why the key to Apple’s future is in the clouds –

iCloud is Apple’s collection of personal cloud services and applications where users store, sync and share content on a contextual basis. This allows their content to be available as needed, flowing from device to device, screen to screen, and location … Continue reading

Wait, Google earns four times more from iOS than Android? – YAHOO!

What’s worth more to Google — Android or Apple’s iOS? The answer seems straightforward: Android, obviously. After all, Google has spent years developing Android and its associated ecosystem, and Android has long-since overtaken Apple’s iOS as the …

Is Google Better Off Killing Android? – Daily Finance

With every quarter that goes by, the theme in the mobile landscape continues to be Apple (NAS: AAPL) iOS and Google (NAS: GOOG) Android gobbling up market share at the expense of just about everyone else. With Google’s primary incentive … Continue reading