
Windows PCs to decline as Android, Apple devices rise – CNET News

The venerable Windows-Intel PC will see a sharp decline by 2016 while devices running Android and Apple’s iOS are on the rise, market researcher IDC said today. There will be a “dramatic shift” between 2011 and 2016, with the “once-dominant … Continue reading

Smartphone platform wars: It’s an iOS, Android world and stinks to be ‘other’ – ZDNet

Summary: The sad reality in smartphone land for RIM and Microsoft today boils down to this: It’s an Android and iOS world. You just live in it. Smartphones are now half of all mobile phones in the U.S. and it’s … Continue reading

Apple generates four times more revenue for Google than Android devices – 9TO5Mac

The important aspect to realize is that this figure represents more than just Android revenue. Apple’s iOS devices have carried Google Maps and Search since the iPhone’s 2007 birth. Apple sold 315 million iOS devices during that time. 

IDC predicts Apple’s iOS to grow to 17% of all smart connected devices in 2016 – Apple Insider

A new analysis combining PCs, tablets and smartphones into one category of “smart connected devices” projects iOS devices will grow from a 14.6 percent share of the market in 2011 to 17.3 percent in 2016. Market research firm IDC released … Continue reading

Apple Claims New iPad’s Battery Charging is Perfectly Normal – PC Magazine

The new iPad’s battery performs within the normal parameters of an iOS-based device, thank you very much. At least that’s the story Apple is telling in the face of criticism of the way the company’s latest tablet deals with battery … Continue reading

TeamViewer® Launches Version 7 for Mac – YAHOO!

The new version allows cross-platform online sessions between Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS and Android. Having released TeamViewer 7 with the brand new TeamViewer Online Meetings functionality for Windows and Linux earlier this year, the latest version for Mac …

Box Offers Up Its iCloud Answer for Businesses – All Things Digital

One of the benefits of the app-oriented nature of today’s smartphones is that users generally don’t have to worry about where their data is stored. In most cases, they don’t even know. “That’s benefitted consumers dramatically,” Box …

iPad vs paper: Not all notepad apps are equal – Electric Pig

I’ve ditched my paper-hungry lifestyle for the new iPad. For two weeks I’ll be replacing the folding stuff with multi-touch gestures, apps and iCloud, amongst others. I never thought it was going to be easy, but already I’ve hit the … Continue reading

Apple’s Newsstand Brings in $70K a Day from Top Titles – Wired News

Apple’s hub for digital media subscriptions, Newsstand, pulls in $70,000 a day on average from its top 100 titles on the iPad, according to a study published Tuesday by market research company Distimo. Newsstand is an iOS feature modeled after … Continue reading

Apple’s Newsstand generates $70K per day, study says –

The top 100 publications in Apple’s iOS Newsstand generate about $70,000 per day, according to a study released today by research firm Distimo. Apple first released its Newsstand back in October as a new feature for iOS 5. The Newsstand … Continue reading