
iPad mini to be closer in size to Samsung’s Note? – CNET News

Apple could be taking a cue from frenemy Samsung with its next iOS device, offering a gadget that’s a bit larger than most cell phones, but about half the size of a tablet. According to Japanese Apple news site Macotakara, … Continue reading

Apple: Battery charging bug is intentional in iPads and iPhones – YAHOO!

That’s because of how the batteries in iPads and other Apple iOS devices work — once they reach a full charge, they discharge a bit. The battery then begins a cycle of charging and discharging at near-full power until its unplugged. … Continue reading

New Apple TV Hints at Jobs’s Vision: Rich Jaroslovsky – Bloomberg

That doesn’t sound important, but it could be another indicator of Apple’s approach to building a full-scale television: setting itself up as the gatekeeper, just as it does on its iOS devices. After all, almost the entire appeal of Amazon … Continue reading

How to change the location and format of Mac screenshots – CNet

As a tech blogger, I take a lot of screenshots on my Mac and iOS devices to illustrate my posts. I use the built-in screen-capture tool on my MacBook Pro to snap a portion of my screen (Command-Shift-4) or the … Continue reading

iCloud iPad Application Development by SPEC INDIA – Businessweek

iCloud is a new service from Apple that makes it quick and effortless to access any information by keeping the device in sync. iCloud stores all your content automatically and securely so it can be easily on your iPhone, iPad, … Continue reading

Adobe Photoshop CS6 beta reaches 500K downloads in less than a week – Apple Insider

The beta is available for both Mac and Windows from Adobe Labs … AppleInsider first revealed the changes in Photoshop CS6 last October, including its new Aperture-like dark background user interface, and new 3D capabilities. It was also highlighted …

Appigo Updates Corkulous by Optimizing the App for the New Retina Display iPad – YAHOO!

Corkulous includes support for iCloud and Dropbox to help users keep their ideas and thoughts up to date between their various iOS devices. Although the app was functional on smaller devices like the iPhone 4S, Appigo was not as pleased … Continue reading

Apple Approves "Find My Facebook Friends" App – Softpedia

iOS developer IZE Ltd. has re-submitted its iOS app to finally … The app had previously been turned down by Apple for exhibiting too many similarities with Apple’s own Find My Friends application, which also puts your buddies on a … Continue reading

DJ1 Social Player – CNet

DJ1 Social Player combined with that iCloud Messaging technology is revolutionary. The drag and drop features allow you to legally share music instantly with any and all friends on Facebook or followers on Twitter. This combined with the ability for … Continue reading

Oh, That “Pull To Refresh” Thing In iOS? Yeah, Twitter Has A Patent App On That – TechCrunch

Like that “pull-to-refresh” feature found in many popular iOS apps, including Twitter, Facebook, Tweetbot, Sparrow and others? Been wondering why Apple hasn’t implemented the same thing in its own apps, like Safari or Mail, for example …