
Tangoe Mobility Management Solutions Support iOS 5.1 and the New iPad – Business Wire

ORANGE, Conn.–(EON: Enhanced Online News)–Tangoe, Inc. (NASDAQ: TNGO), a leading global provider of Communications Lifecycle Management (“CLM”) software and related services, today announced support for Apple’s iOS 5.1 mobile operating system and …

Publish an iPhoto Journal on your personal Web site, instead of iCloud – CNet

Publishing an iPhoto Journal using iCloud eats into your storage limit. Here’s how to host a journal on your personal site. To get the files you will need to publish an iPhoto Journal on your personal site, tap on the … Continue reading

iOS 5.1 Untethered Jailbreak: How You Can Help Pod2g Find Exploits in Latest iOS Update – International Business Times

Following Apple’s new releases including the new 4G-ready iPad, a revamped Apple TV unit and iOS 5.1, the makers of popular jailbreak tools are also apparently hard at work in an attempt to figure out new ways to jailbreak the … Continue reading

Apple patches a record 83 bugs in Safari browser –

The Safari update, released Tuesday, comes less than a week after another massive fix from Apple; on March 7, the company pushed out updates to address 81 security bugs in iOS version 5.1, its operating system for the iPhone, iPad … Continue reading

Apple vs. Google: FTC asks one monopoly to tattle on another – Beta News

Google Maps also is the basis for iOS’ navigation functionality, with no other options provided. The FTC wants to see the agreements between Apple and Google, Bloomberg reports, and is trying to determine whether the Mountain View, Calif.

Android Tablets Will Overtake iPad by 2015, IDC Says – PC World

Android’s share is rising, largely at the expense of the iPad, which runs Apple’s iOS mobile operating system. “As the sole vendor shipping iOS products, Apple will remain dominant in terms of worldwide vendor unit shipments,” said Mainelli. “However …

Apple’s new iPad features touchscreen supplied by Samsung – Los Angeles Times

Apple versus Samsung. The iPad versus Galaxy Tab. IOS versus Android. Bitter rivalries until the very end, right? Not quite. If you’re one of the expected millions of consumers who picks up Apple’s new iPad, you’ll be peering into a … Continue reading

Apple Patches a Record 83 Safari Bugs –

The Safari update, released yesterday (March 12), comes less than a week after another massive fix from Apple; on March 7, the company pushed out updates to address 81 security bugs in iOS version 5.1, its operating system for the … Continue reading

Apple iPad display: Everything you need to know – MSN India

gadget is certainly Apple’s creation but the technology behind its fabulous display is not the company’s brainchild. The credit goes to some great engineering talent from Sharp and JSR that established a design called Super High Aperture (SHA …

CHART OF THE DAY: This Chart Tells The Real Story Of Android Versus iOS – The Business Insider

As you can see, it shows Apple’s iOS controlling 60% of mobile traffic on the web in the U.S. Considering Android is supposed to be dominating Apple in mobile, this is a little surprising. We reached out to comScore spokesperson … Continue reading