
Apple may be working on an iOS-ARM notebook –

Apple is serious about its interest in iOS and all the iOS-based products. It’s clear that the iPhone, iPad and the iPod Touch have been excellent product lines pulling in loads of revenue. The app store is doing incredibly well, … Continue reading

Apple Granted Patents: Ultrabook Makers To Be Nervous? – Technorati (blog)

There’s also a report claiming that Apple already talked to an Asian manufacturer Pegatron to drop new Ultrabook orders from Asus or else it will lose orders for iOS devices. Pegatron alledgedly sided with Apple and it will stop the … Continue reading

Five ways Apple should make iCloud business-ready – ARNnet

Apple is integrating iCloud more tightly into iOS and OSX, but the features appeal to individuals. With changes, it would appeal to businesses Apple has announced an update to its OSX operating system. Notable in the updated features is tighter … Continue reading

Apple Wins Limited Injunction Against Motorola In Germany – Tom’s Guide

Two weeks after Motorola won an injunction against Apple’s iCloud in a German court, Apple has been granted the customary return pitch, winning their own injunction this week against several Motorola smartphones. The injunction concerns a rather esoteric …

Apple’s 2011 iOS Sales Larger Than Mac Sales in Last 28 Years – PC Magazine

Apple sold more iPhones, iPads and iPod touches during 2011 than it sold Mac computers over the past 28 years, according to new revelations from Apple analyst Horace Dediu of Asymco. Apple during 2011 sold a total of 156 million … Continue reading

Apple posts guide for iOS development newcomers – Apple Insider

Apple has posted a new introductory guide for beginners looking to get started developing iOS apps. Entitled “Start Developing iOS Apps Today,” the public guide begins with an overview of how to get set up with the proper tools and … Continue reading

Apple sold more iOS devices in 2011 than it sold Macs in 28 years – ZDNet

Summary: A startling reminder that the world is not on the desk anymore, or on our laps. It’s in the palm of our hands, or resting in our pockets ready to be beckoned at our every whim. Here’s the figure … Continue reading

New Apple Operating System Aims to Knit Together Its Products – New York Times

Apple released a preview on Thursday of the software, called Mountain Lion. It introduces several new features that move it closer to iOS, the software running on iPhones and iPads. While Apple is the world’s biggest smartphone maker …

Apple’s IOS takes five years to double all-time Mac OS sales – The Inquirer

TOYMAKER FOR THE WELL HEELED Apple has sold more IOS devices in less than five years than it sold computers in 28 years of flogging Mac OS boxes. Apple’s position as a consumer technology company is underlined by figures from … Continue reading

Apple Speeds Mac ‘Mountain Lion’ to Take On Windows 8 – BusinessWeek

Like its predecessor, called “Lion,” the new operating system is designed to make Macs feel more like Apple’s mobile devices, which use an operating system called iOS. Windows 8, built to work on both traditional keyboard-centric computers …