
Solving iCloud-Related Slowdowns in Lion – Tidbits

I recently solved some maddening performance problems on my original aluminum MacBook running Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, and I wanted to share my findings to help others avoid similar troubles. Most interesting about the problems was the technique I … Continue reading

Five Ways Apple Should Make ICloud Business-Ready – CIO

PC World — Apple announced an update Thursday to its OSX operating system, . Notable in the updated features is tighter integration with iCloud, its cloud-based file, apps, and settings syncing service. For businesses, this isn’t big news …

Apple’s Mountain Lion Shows Personal Cloud Trumps Personal Computer – CIO

Computerworld — Apple’s move to update Mac OS X this summer shows that the company sees its software ecosystem, especially its iCloud service, as more important than any one product line, analysts said today. In a move that surprised many … Continue reading

Is Apple’s iOS really safer than Android against malware? – CNET News

A new study from Juniper finds that Android is the hardest hit by malicious apps but says iOS could be vulnerable as well. Android has gotten a lot of negative buzz for its susceptibility to malware. But a new study … Continue reading

Android Dodges Apple iOS Address Book Debacle: But not by Much – IDG NEWS

Apple is eating dirt over how iOS apps share your data with publishers, primarily personal address books harvested by a certain company named Path. But is Google any better with the way Android apps behave? We asked the app experts. … Continue reading

Tim Cook admits Apple may further converge iOS & OS X, Macs could run on ARM CPUs – Apple Insider

While he didn’t hint at any definitive future plans, Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook did admit that all options are on the table for the future of the Mac operating system, including further converging iOS and OS X, as well … Continue reading

Apple Making Mac OS X More Like iOS – Brighthand

When the iPhone and iPad first debuted, Apple sought to make these mobile devices work like its desktops and laptops. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and features of iOS are being added to Mac OS X. Apple … Continue reading

Apple launches OS war against Microsoft – Beta News

based company seeks to recover momentum against iPad. Apple isn’t waiting around, boasting about OS X 10.8 inheriting mobile features from iOS 5 (on iPad) and tightening ties to iCloud. Mountain Lion also will likely release ahead of either …

Apple, A Step Closer to Mac-iOS Unification – Benzinga

As investors take a short break from venerating Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) shares, the company may have just signaled more progress to unifying its desktop and mobile operating systems. Beta versions of Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion are in developers … Continue reading

Apple moves to quell Path privacy gaff – USA Today

Apple on Wednesday moved to quell the rising furor over disclosures that social network Path and several other makers of iOS apps collect and store users address books without asking their permission. The tech giant said it would require third-party … Continue reading