
iOS’ 315m devices keeps Android’s 250m at bay for now – Electronista

Apple as part of its fall fiscal results revealed that a total of 315 million iOS devices had been activated in the platform’s 4.5-year history. The marker included the over 62 million devices shipped just in the fall alone. Total … Continue reading

Apple to Exxon: Try to Keep Up Will Ya – All Things Digital

We anticipate an iOS device with Siri user interface and iCloud synching has the potential to redefine the smart TV category in the same way iPhone and iPad impacted the smartphone and tablet markets, respectively. Meanwhile, we expect iPad 3 … Continue reading

Apple edges out Android for market share in the U.S. says researcher – MobileBurn

Sponsored links, if any, appear in green. Following Apple’s record breaking last quarter, research firm Kantar Worldpanel ComTech estimates that iOS has overtaken Android as the most popular smartphone OS in the U.S. But not by much. Kantar’s estimates put … Continue reading

Will Apple’s success kill the Mac as we know it? – ZDNet

I’m not saying who’s right or wrong here, but Apple appears comfortable supporting more customers and abandoning customers with existing workflows. It’s a worry. The Mac/iOS Merger. Some worry over the changes made in Mac OS X Lion that …

Kantar: Apple Back On Top As Bestselling Smartphone In The U.S. –

In the U.S. in the last 12 weeks, Apple’s iOS platform accounted for 44.9 percent of all smartphone sales, just edging out the collective power of Android, which took 44.8 percent of sales. In the UK, Android managed to hold … Continue reading

Cook: iCloud a massive hit, ‘strategy for the next decade’ – MacNN

One revelation from Apple CEO Tim Cook that has largely escaped investor and analyst notice in today’s conference call was the remarkable success of iCloud, which now has 85 million users in just a bit over three months. To put … Continue reading

Apple Briefly Topples Exxon as Price Targets Zoom – Barron’s Online

The iPhone and iPad “ramp still has plenty of runway,” he writes. “We view Apple’s guidance as conservative in light of product momentum (iPhone 4S, iOS 5), expanding distribution (carriers/int’l ramp) and believe upcoming product …

Jailbreak Tweak Said to Fix iOS 5 Battery Woes [Update] – Softpedia

Apple never got around to fixing the battery drainage problem on iPhone 4S handsets, but a new jailbreak tweak might do the trick. According to this CydiaHelp post, a new tweak released in Cydia called ‘iOS 5 Battery Fix’ should … Continue reading

Apple’s Cook: iCloud more than mere product – CNET News

Apple CEO Tim Cook says that iCloud is the company’s “strategy for the next decade.” It remains to be seen whether Apple can win the cloud wars. Speaking on Apple’s fiscal first-quarter conference call, Cook talked about iCloud. He noted … Continue reading

iCloud Boasts of 85 Million Users – International Business Times

Only about three months after Apple launched its iCloud service, it already boasts of over 85 million users, the company’s Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer said during the Q1 2012 financial earning calls on …