
Apple ‘education’ announcement: GarageBand for textbooks? – ZDNet

The Commission is investigating five major publishers, and whether they were “helped” by Apple as part of its iBooks service for iOS devices, and pushed competitors out as a result. ZDNet’s Jason D. O’Grady puts it simply …

Questioning iOS 5.1 Apple Facebook integration mystery – Phones Review

Discoveries within the iOS 5.1 beta 3 includes iPad 3 and Facebook, everyone knows that the new Apple tablet is possibly going to be announced in February with a March release, obviously this is all hear say at the moment. … Continue reading

iOS 5.1 bringing deeper Facebook integration ? – Fone Arena

iMore reports that the iPhone might be getting deeper Facebook integration similar to Twitter in the next update ie iOS 5.1 . The website shows off … In its last major update , Apple added Twitter integration to the OS … Continue reading

What’s Wrong With Education Cannot Be Fixed with Technology’ — The Other Steve Jobs – Wired News

HTML5-based texts that can be read on Apple’s iOS devices. However, Apple will still face some serious non-technological hurdles before it can make a serious impact on education and the textbook market. Just how many will depend on what else … Continue reading

iPad 3 and Facebook crop up in iOS 5.1 beta 3 – SlashGear

Evidence of Apple’s next-gen iPad has been spotted again in iOS 5.1, with beta 3 mentioning two new “J” third-gen models along with hints of potential future Facebook integration. The J1AP and J2AP variants are believed to be the WiFi-only … Continue reading

Interactive e-books anticipated at Apple’s NYC event – MacWorld UK

Apple is expected to introduce interactive e-books for iOS devices at its education-themed announcement in New York on Thursday. The Wall Street Journal describes “textbooks optimized for the iPad and that feature ways to interact with the content …

Facebook code reappears in iOS beta: here’s hoping it sticks around –

Apple has apparently re-introduced code references to Facebook integration to the most recent iOS 5.1 beta that were once present in pre-release software but later removed. It doesn’t mean we’ll necessarily see Apple include Facebook sign-in at the …

Lion Server: Installing profiles that require user interaction

When attempting to automatically push profiles that require user interaction to be installed to a device enrolled in Profile Manager, installation may not succeed.

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says Android is better than iOS in various ways – Pocket Gamer

In a recent conversation with website The Daily Beast, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has claimed that the Android OS experience surpasses Apple’s iPhone experience in a number of different ways, most notably in navigation and voice dictation. “My primary …

Buried Code in iOS 5 Beta Suggests Facebook Integration – Wired News

But the very latest speculation concerns not Apple hardware, but iOS and its relationship to social media. Inside the most recent iOS 5.1 beta, alongside two iPad 3 code names (J1AP and J2AP), there are multiple references to Facebook …