
Not the iPad 3 or New TV — But Apple Planning Media-Related Event in the Big(ger) Apple This Month – All Things Digital

Cue is in charge of a large swath of Apple’s media units, including the iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, as well as iAd and its iCloud services. It’s well known in the ad industry that Apple has been searching for … Continue reading

Apple’s iOS Closes Out The Year With 52% Mobile Web Market Share –

Who’s browsing the mobile web the most? Apparently, iPhone and iPad owners are. According to end-of-the-month data from statistics provider NetMarketShare, iOS users ended up with a 52% market share of mobile web browsing in December 2011 …

Hack lets iOS apps run on Apple TV –

The Apple TV set-top box can now, in theory, run full-screen iPad apps thanks to a clever new hack. The proof-of-concept MobileX hack which runs on a jailbroken second-gen Apple TV device was built by a developer known as Nick@TheMudKip, … Continue reading

Hackers get iOS apps to run full-screen on Apple TV – CBS News

(CNET) While you were buying the New Years bubbly and party horns, hackers were busy this weekend figuring out how to run iOS apps natively on Apple TV–and in full screen. Dublin-based hacker and iOS developer Steven Troughton-Smith–known for …

Apple iOS apps come to TV in hack –

We kind of figured it would only be a matter of time before iOS apps came to the Apple TV and a neat hack has brought some full-fledged iPad apps to a large-screen television, according to a report from TG … Continue reading

Getting Started with iCloud – WFTV

iCloud stores all your music, photos, apps, and documents—and then wirelessly pushes them to all your devices so you can access your content from anywhere. In this hands-on workshop, see how easy it is to set up a free iCloud … Continue reading

60beat GamePad brings console controls to iOS games – YAHOO!

Apple’s iOS devices—the iPod touch, the iPhone, and iPad—might have carved out a major niche for themselves in the portable gaming world, but every console player knows there’s just no comparison between touchscreen and motion sensor controls and …

Apple TV Gets iOS Apps Via MobileX Hack – PC Magazine

If you’re still enjoying the New Year’s holiday today, why not spend it jailbreaking your Apple TV to run iOS apps? A new hack, dubbed MobileX, does just that—bringing full-screen apps like Facebook and YouTube to your Apple TV. Apple’s … Continue reading

Apple kicks off 2012 with 52-percent share of mobile web browsing – YAHOO!

In what should come as a surprise to no one at all, Apple’s iOS finished 2011 with a dominant share of the mobile web-browsing market, and will begin 2012 as the operating system of choice for more than half of … Continue reading

Hack brings iOS apps to Apple TV – TG Daily

Most will agree that one of the best things about the iPhone, iPad and other iOS devices are the wealth of apps to suit just about any need the user may have.

 The Apple TV has been around a long … Continue reading