
Apple’s Mac App Store — you ain’t seen nothing yet – Computerworld

The company in July discontinued retail store sale of many of its own products, such as iWork, iLife and Aperture. Today, eight of the top ten top grossing software titles on the store are from Apple: OS X Lion; Logic … Continue reading

Apple Announces 100 Million Mac App Store Downloads – CIO

The Mac App Store opened for business just eleven months ago with more than 1000 apps, inspired by the tremendous success of the iOS App Store that preceded it. That first App Store now boasts more than half a million … Continue reading

Apple’s Mac App Store Passes 100 Million Downloads – TechWeb

Apple SVP Phillip Schiller said in a statement that just as the iOS App Store changed how people obtained mobile apps, the Mac App Store “is changing the traditional PC software industry.” Schiller claims the Mac App Store is the … Continue reading

Apple Holds Event to Expand MFI Program to Bluetooth – Softpedia

At a conference held in Shenzhen, China, Apple confirmed plans to have AirPlay and multiple iOS accessories working on the Bluetooth standard, a move that would expand the AirPlay wireless devices market by a factor of 7. Apple’s plans to … Continue reading

Have you warmed to iOS gaming in 2011? – CVG Online

Apple crowned Andreas Illiger’s one-button iOS game Tiny Wing, which we spent many an hour playing on the train (read: toilet), the European App Store’s iPhone game of the year, while resource management and pixel-sized people corralling sim Tiny Tower … Continue reading

iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak: Battery Drain Issue Will Keep Apple, Dev-Team Members on Toes – International Business Times

People using Apple’s latest iOS 5 mobile operating system are looking forward to an update which could solve the battery drain problem in their costly Apple devices running on iOS 5. But at the same time, the users are also … Continue reading

This weeks couple: On iCloud 9 – New York Post

When we sent tech lovers Angel, a 34-year-old managing partner at an online consulting company, and Jennifer, a 32-year-old cloud technology consultant, to Alphabet City’s Italian restaurant Spina, we hoped this duo would click on more than a …

Samsung Galaxy S II ad targets iPhone music, ignores iCloud – Electronista

The latest in a series of Samsung Galaxy S II ads jabbing Apple also appears to have also gotten key facts wrong. A handful of iPhone fans lined up are asked by a T-Mobile Galaxy S II owner why they’re … Continue reading

Before an Apple HDTV arrives, will new iMacs launch with built-in TV capabilities? – ZDNet

According to AppleInsider, Wedge Partners’ Brian Blair is forecasting that before an Apple HDTV is unveiled, its ecosystem — Apple TV software and iCloud access — could be built into new iMacs, which Blair believes will be redesigned for …

Who Will Win The TV Battle? –

Steve Jobs made it clear in his interviews with biographer Walter Isaacson that he was eager to conquer the television world to create an integrated TV that would sync seamlessly with all Apple devices and iCloud, creating “the simplest user … Continue reading