
Apple’s Claim Against Android Awaits ITC Ruling – Bloomberg

HTC’s Android devices “are helping prevent Apple’s iOS from becoming the sole viable mobile platform and thus ‘locking in’ consumers and software developers to that platform,” Google said in the filing. Apple has argued that it’s …

Facebook iOS app update ‘fixes’ photo comments bug – YAHOO!

Facebook has released an update to its mobile app for Apple’s iOS devices that fixes a bug that caused the wrong comments to show up on some photos. The update, which officially “fixes an issue that caused incorrect comments to … Continue reading

iPad 2 as assistive tech device and holiday gift – Examiner

Now, with the relelease of iOS 5 and iCloud in the fall, its gotten even better. Apple added several significant advancements to accessibility in iOS 5, such as LED flash on calls, custom gestures and personalized vibration alerts. iOS 5 … Continue reading

Apple May Build a Huge New Data Center in Oregon – Techie Buzz

Early this year, Steve Jobs talked about what powers iCloud during his WWDC keynote . It is a huge data center in Maiden, North Carolina that is 500,000 square feet and is about five times the size of the company’s existing … Continue reading

Apple licensed iOS patent to Nokia but Samsung deal collapsed – SlashGear

Assumptions that Apple uses its patent portfolio to strongarm rivals into costly, time-wasting revisions of hardware and software, rather than as a way to milk them of cash, may have to be reconsidered with the news that the Cupertino company has … Continue reading

Apple Licensed iOS Patent to Nokia, Offered It to Samsung Too? –

This summer we reported that the Nokia-Apple war, which was going down in a court room instead of the market, was settled. Nokia initially sued Apple at the end of 2009 over ten GSM, UMTS, and WiFi related patents allegedly … Continue reading

Apple may build West Coast data center near newly opened Facebook server farm – YAHOO!

Apple‘s newly launched iCloud service doesn’t actually live in the clouds; it requires some serious data-grinding horsepower. The company has a facility in Maiden, N.C. and now there’s word that it’s looking at a second location, in Oregon …

How to Purge Carrier IQ from your iPhone – PC World

Although last week Apple said that its newest mobile operating system, iOS 5, does not support the Carrier IQ software, it slipped in a caveat. “We stopped supporting Carrier IQ with iOS 5 in most of our products,” said Apple … Continue reading

Mac OS X: About file system journaling

"Journaling" is a feature that helps protect the file system against power outages or hardware component failures, reducing the need for repairs. Journaling was first introduced in Mac OS X Server 10.2.2, then to the non-server OS in Mac OS … Continue reading

Displaperture for Mac – CNet

Displaperture brings back rounded screen corners to Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard”. Choose the corners you want rendered as round, choose their radii, and enjoy CRT nostalgia. What’s new in this version: Displaperture 1.2.2 is a very minor update; the … Continue reading