
Apple’s iOS 5 Caught Speeding [Infographic] – Searchengine Journal

New Relic, a company that measures and manages the performance of Web applications, recently released the results of a study that examined the performance differences between mobile Safari on iOS 4 and iOS 5 on same model iPhones. The study … Continue reading

Apple posts Aperture 3.2.1, drivers for HP, Epson printers – MacNN

Apple has released a trio of software updates, beginning with Aperture 3.2.1. The patch is said to fix just four issues, the most critical being one that caused the software to suddenly quit while running on a Core Duo processor. … Continue reading

Apple raises the mobile computing bar with iOS 5 – Everett Herald

We lost one of the foremost innovators of our time to cancer last month. Steve Jobs was responsible for bringing us such iconic devices as the iPod, iPhone and the iPad. One of his legacies is the latest operating system … Continue reading

Unlike Apple’s iOS, Android phones not getting updates – Apple Insider

While Apple rolls out iOS updates rapidly to its iOS devices three years after their release, Android phones often ship with outdated software that is rarely updated, even during the device’s original contract term. A report by blogger Michael Degusta … Continue reading

Apple Prepares for iTunes Match Public Rollout – Softpedia

Apple has addressed its developer community with an email signaling plans to delete all current iCloud libraries tested with the new iTunes Match feature. iTunes Match will allow customers to store their entire music collection, including songs they’ve …

iPhone 4S vs Droid RAZR (comparison) – Gadget Review

One big change from the 4 to the 4S is that Apple upgraded the iPhone’s rear-facing camera, which has been increased to 8MP from 5MP, and it also has a custom lens with a larger f/2.4 aperture. Cool features include: … Continue reading

Google Android overtakes Apple iOS in app downloads – CIO UK

The Android operating system now leads in total app downloads, another benchmark in the race to dominate the smartphone market, according to ABI Research. The market research firm’s Singapore office said Android overtook iOS in the second quarter of this … Continue reading

Nintendo profits evaporate as gamers turn to Apple’s iOS – Apple Insider

Japanese gaming giant Nintendo revealed on Thursday that it lost $925 million over the six months ending in September due to a sharp drop off of game and console sales, even as healthy sales of Apple’s iPhone and iPad continue … Continue reading

Apple Pumps Sunlight into iCloud Data Center – Wired News

Behind Apple’s new cloud, there’s sunlight. Apple’s massive new data center in Maiden, North Carolina drives the company’s sparkling new iCloud service, and according to a report from the Charlotte Observer, sunlight will provide some of …

Sincerely Raises $3 Million To Deliver Real-World Postcards, Holiday Cards On The Way – Boston Globe

Thanks to services like iCloud and Google+, snapshots flow like water between mobile devices and the web these days. But many of those photos never make the jump from pixels to paper. And, as it turns out, people still love … Continue reading