
Apple Posts a Wealth of Training Materials for Final Cut Pro X Users – Softpedia

The Apple Pro Video Series offers Apple-certified video training on key Apple technologies and applications, including Final Cut Pro, Aperture 3, Keynote for iPad, and more.

Apple Accidentally Launches iCloud Early (In Email), Next iPhone Looms – Time

“Welcome to iCloud! Here’s your iCloud account ID and that’s all you’ll need to get your iOS device, Mac, or PC up and running. Just follow these instructions and you’re in business!” I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the gist of an … Continue reading

Apple Accidentally Launches iCloud Early (In Email), Next iPhone Looms – Time

adds a dash of credibility to predictions Apple’s planning to launch iCloud along with iOS 5 in the next week or two. And as product importance goes, iCloud’s dwarfs the iPhone 5′s, or whatever Apple’s decided to call its shave-and-a-haircut … Continue reading

Apple Accident: Welcome E-mails to Apple iCloud Sent Sooner than Forecasted – Searchengine Journal

At this week’s “Let’s talk iPhone” event in Cupertino, CA, Apple is anticipated to announce the launch of the iPhone 5 and newest version of the iOS operating system. Details surrounding the launch of the iCloud remain elusive as the … Continue reading

MerchantAnywhere’s Pocket Verifier Brings a New Card Swiping and Receipt Printing Solution for Credit Card Sales on the iPhone and iPad – Yahoo Finance

Pocket Verifier Professional for iOS is currently available on the App Store … Georgia, as well as a registered Apple, Microsoft, Palm and RIM software developer.

Apple iPhone 5/iPhone 4S: What IntoMobile expects –

We’re mere hours away from Apple’s introduction of the next iPhone and while this is happening later in the year than what it has normally done, it’s still quite exciting. Will we see an iPhone 5 and an iPhone 4S? … Continue reading

For Apple fanboys, it’s like Christmas Eve – Kansas City Star

A new iPhone is expected to have a number of changes, the biggest of which will likely be under the hood: the inclusion of Apple’s latest iOS mobile software, iOS 5, which has been slated for release this fall. IOS … Continue reading

Apple iOS Takes 54.65% Mobile Internet Market Share – Social Barrel

Devices running Apple’s iOS platform dominate the mobile internet market share, a new report from Net Applications reveals. According to the report, iOS devices account for over half (54.65 percent) of all mobile internet browsing for the second quarter …

App review: Phone for Kids for Apple iPhone and iPad – Consumer

It simulates Apple’s iOS mobile operating system, but the graphics are bigger and more kid-centric. It is very clever. A free version of the app comes with 6 mini-apps inside, and they’re very much like the standard apps that come … Continue reading

Apple expected to unveil new iPhone this week – San Francisco Gate

A new iPhone is expected to have a number of changes, the biggest of which will likely be under the hood: the inclusion of Apple’s latest iOS mobile software, iOS 5, which has been slated for release this fall. IOS … Continue reading