
About the Mac OS X v10.6.5 Update

Mac OS X v10.6.5 Update

Logic Studio (2009), Final Cut Studio (2009), Aperture 3: Help may not open and returns a JavaScript alert

When you open the Help Viewer from the Help menu in Aperture 3, Logic Studio (2009), or Final Cut Studio (2009), you may see the alert: "The Help Library requires JavaScript."

Aperture 3.1: Cannot be installed on some computers with Mac OS X v10.5.8

Software Update does not offer Aperture 3.1 on some computers with Mac OS X v10.5.8 which have Aperture 3 installed. If the manual update for Aperture 3.1 is run on an affected computer, it does not install successfully.

Importing both RAW images and MP4 video files from some Sony cameras

When you connect some Sony cameras to your computer via USB, RAW images and MP4 videos you’ve shot do not show up via Image Capture, iPhoto, or Aperture. However, JPEG images do show up as expected. As of this posting, … Continue reading

iPhoto ’09 & iPhoto ’11: Editing photos in iPhoto will not refresh image in Flickr gallery

If you have published images to your Flickr account from iPhoto ’09 or iPhoto ’11, attempting to edit these images from your iPhoto application and then republishing to your Flickr account will not replace your published photo with your new … Continue reading

Aperture 3: "Do not import duplicates" option does not work with video and audio files

The Aperture import window shows video and audio files that have already been imported, even when the "Do not import duplicates" option is enabled.

Aperture 3.1: Some features not available with Mac OS X v10.5.8 Leopard

Some slideshow themes and iLife Media Browser features are only available when running Aperture 3.1 on a computer with Mac OS X v10.6.x Snow Leopard.

Aperture 3.1: Contents of Smart Albums that use location data as a condition change slightly after upgrade

After you upgrade to Aperture 3.1, Smart Albums that use location data as a condition may have slightly more or fewer images.

Aperture 3.1: Some slideshow themes are not available unless iLife ’11 is installed

Some of the slideshow themes you may expect to find in Aperture 3.1 are not available.

iLife: System Requirements

iLife system requirements